Prepare Your Home To Sell January 12, 2023

Staging Your Home To Sell

10 staging tips in 2023

  1. Clean is more important than staged. Staged homes that are less than immaculate may show well online, in person, lack of cleanliness an instant turnoff. Money spent on staging dirty home will be wasted.
  2. Go big or go home. A few staged rooms or new pieces here and there won’t have the desired impact. Need a consistent design
  3. Start at the curb. For houses and townhomes, don’t forget the front yard, plantings, the walkway to the front door and the front porch area including, house numbers, door décor and mailbox.
  4. Make sure storage areas are not a turnoff. The basement, attic or garage are fair game for storage, just make sure it’s neat and organized. Get rid of clutter in the closets. It will make buyers feel they will outgrow this home shortly.
  5. Use what you have. Consult with myself or a stager on how to use existing items, what to keep and what to remove is invaluable, if you need to get on market quickly as possible.
  6. Use Virtual Staging (attached photos.) If the cost of staging is out of line with your budget or a property is vacant, virtual staging is the best way to help buyers looking online to visualize your property furnished and enticing.
  7. Don’t be afraid to mix styles. A rustic-style home doesn’t require rustic furnishings. Mixing styles attracts a wider audience.
  8. Distinctive elements. Highlight standout features of a home or condo, an unusual kitchen backsplash can make an impression.
  9. Think aspirational. Staging is used to create a buyer’s dream home.
  10. Spend a little money. I have a staging consultation incorporated in my home selling process. I believe so strongly in the value of staging that I guarantee the cost will be recouped. A home is where we live and a stage for the life we will lead there. When it comes to tapping into buyer emotions, staging is a huge marketing advantage.